#Well-being App for Couples

Become the partner of your dreams

Your journey towards healthier relationships starts with Rovy
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Couple Hero

Every relationship has unique challenges

Identifying and rectifying blind spots is the secret sauce to lasting relationships
Balancing Interests
Growing together can be challenging without an equal focus on each other's passions
Communication Styles
Different personalities and thought silos lead to frustration in daily interactions
Delayed Intervention
Failing to recognize patterns and relationship red flags leads to irreversible damage
Outdoor couple

Couples who sweat together, stay together

Data-driven insights to understand common interests for you to have fun together as a team
Tick box
Physical and Mental health Dashboards
Tick box
Data intelligence from wearables
Tick box
Mood prediction for better communication

Take charge of your wellbeing with Rovy

Put aside guesswork from your partner interactions by following Rovy's factual approach rooted in scientific methodology
Health Dasboard
Feature 1

Gamified Health Dashboard

Connect your wearables for a real-time view on your partner's holistic health status
Activity Suggestions
Feature 2

Personalised Activity suggestions

Contextual chat to understand your partner’s preferences to lead a more active lifestyle
Mental Health Dashboard
Feature 3

Compliments Therapy sessions

Share your mental health data with your therapists to make your sessions more effective

What our waitlisted users have to say:

As an outdoorsy couple with varied interests, we're always trying to find a balance between our preferences to do things together
Sasha Conway
Squamish, British Columbia
I was looking for a platform which can give me a complete overview of my health metrics from my multiple smart watches
Jeremy Lambert
Triathlete from BC, Canada
I wish there was a tool to learn about the mood patterns of my partner for me to communicate effectively with her
Ben Kwan
Seattle, USA
Before we reach out to professional help for our communication issues in our relationship, we want to try out fun tools which can help
Kamoni Mathis
Toronto, Canada
Much of our time during therapy sessions is spent talking about exercises that our therapist recommended were followed or not. Wish there was a tool to track them!
Hina Hakimi
Calgary, Canada